As you would have seen, over the last week there have been some changes made to the Gambling-Affiliation Blog and I would just like to take you through a couple of them so that you can easily find your way around our blog.
To start, I would like to direct your attention to the LEFT COLUMN where will find links to each one of the campaigns we have per language and per market. Click on these to see exactly what Gambling-Affiliation has to offer at a glance. These links can be found under our twitter links, so feel free to follow us on Twitter and then have a look at all the deals we have available which are:
- International Deals (CPA, Revenue Share, Hybrid)
- French Deals (CPA, Revenue Share, Hybrid)
- Polish Deals (CPA, Revenue Share, Hybrid)
- German (CPA, Revenue Share, Hybrid)
- Spanish (CPA, Revenue Share, Hybrid)
- Italian (CPA, Revenue Share)
Keep up to date with all the current news and events with Gambling-Affiliation all the time through the various social networking tools we have available for you:
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