Below are 10 really useful SEO Tips that I found online and wanted to share with all the readers of the Gambling-Affiliation Blog. These tips are a guide on how to use Search Engine Optimization to increase your rankings in the various search engines, but there are more than just 10 Tips, so keep coming back to my blog for more.
Here are my Top 10 SEO Tips for today, 28 April 2009:
- Be BOLD: If you have some keywords that you really want to focus on when writing an article, doing a casino review or posting a blog on your top poker blogs, use the tags around some of those words you want to focus on. But, the tip here is not to go crazy with bolding every keyword, because then your review, blog post, etc. is just going to look ugly. If you make 2 or 3 keywords bold, this should be enough, but make sure they are in separate paragraphs.
- Deep Linking: What this means is that you need to have as many links coming into as many of your websites pages as possible. What this does, is it tells the search engines that you obviously have some worthwhile content worth reading, so you therefore get pushed up in the search engines on specific keywords that you are focusing on. If you have all your links pointing just to the Home Page, this is going to tell the search engines that you have a really shallow site, so make sure you have plenty of links going to different pages on your website/blog. Here is an example of Deep Linking, in this case, to David's personal Happiness Workbook.
- Become a foreigner: Did you know that countries like Canada, the USA, the UK and plenty more, have loads of directories for websites of businesses/companies based in those countries. These directories are just another way of having your links added to other sites online. So, can you get a business address in one of these countries so you can submit it to an online directory like this? If so, do it! Every link helps you that little bit more!
- Newsletters: Do yourself a favour and look for ezines and other types of websites that look for articles to be sent to them. The sites to look for though, are the ones that archive old news and allow their users to easily find the news in their archives sections for years after. Make sure they allow external links in the news you submit to them, because you would want people coming back to your website through those articles in the future.
- First Come, First Served: This is an important little tip, so take note of it. If you want to have image links on your website, be it banners or regular images, make sure that you include a text link to go with the image, but when coding the page, make sure the text links show up first because when your site is being crawled by search engine robots, they will follow the first link find to a particular page and that's it, they will not follow additional links to the same page.
- Multiple Domains: If you have several topics that support one another, (e.g. Poker, Casino, Bingo, Sportsbook, etc. are all gambling related and support one another in some way), then why not have more than one domain. The reason why this would be helpful would firstly be because search engines usually list only one page per domain and second, directories usually only accept a home pages, so this way, you will be getting more directory listings.
- Article exchanges: By now, if you are a webmaster, you would have heard the term "Link Exchange", but these are not as great as everyone makes them out to be. Article Exchanges are like link exchanges, but they have much more of an impact on your SEO. How it works is that you will publish someone elses article on the top ten gambling related affiliate programs with a link back to their site. They then publish your article on the top 10 affiliate programs focused on online poker, with a link back to your site. This way, you both have content on your sites now and you both have a much higher quality link back to each others sites.
- Titles for Links: Did you know that you can give your Links a Title? Well, you can, and this is actually a good thing because it not only helps visually impaired visitors to your site know exactly where you are sending them, but it there are some search engines out there that use this to figure out the relevancy for a website.
- Not Anchor Text: If there is one piece of advice you take away from this article, do NOT overdo your anchor text. The single important reason for this, Google Hates it and it looks like automated text which is a BAD thing for you. So, do yourself a favour and use your URL sometimes and your company name other times.
- Site Map: If you have a big site, you NEED to have a sitemap which NEEDS to be linked to from every single page on your site. The reason for this is that it will help the search engine robots find every page with only 2 clicks. If you have a small site, you also need a sitemap, but this is called your navigation bar. For example, check the bottom of this Online Bingo site I found, BingoisFun. They have what is referred to as a "mini-site map".
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(These tips were originally written by David Leonhardt, and were edited slightly to ensure that the Gambling-Affiliation Blog always has UNIQUE CONTENT! David Leonhardt is an effective, professional SEO consultant and a Website Marketing Consultant. You can contact him for more information on email (info@seo-writer.com) or telephone, +1 613 448 3931. You can also follow David on his Twitter for more useful tips!)
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