Yesterday I started noticing a new trend each time I submitted a new tweet on Twitter, so today I started doing a test to see if I was right, and I think I might just be onto something here.
Every time I make a new Tweet, between the time I hit submit and around 4 minutes after that, I seem to get a new follower 95% of the time.
Now, I am not a Twitter Expert, but there really isn't much to learning Twitter and how to use this incredible tool effectively, and I am sure there is something that I just don't know about when it comes to it, so if you know more, please feel free to leave comments on your experiences with it.
Since I got started on a post about Twitter, I thought I would add in a few bits of information that could help you use this program more as a tool to drive more traffic to your blog, so here are some of my personal tips (and again, please feel free to comment on this post with your ideas and tips):
Twitter was designed as a tool to push out those "Status Updates" that we all loved on Facebook, even back in the days when you had to say something that started with "is", but they were a great way, and still are, of letting people know whats on your mind. Except with Twitter, this awesome tool was built just for that, with some extra features.
A great application that I have installed on my computer is the "TweetDeck" application and whats so awesome about this is that you can do everything you need to do, including the shortening of long URL's, with just the click of a button. You can view all the updates from the tweeters you are following in one column, your @replies in another column and your direct messages in the other column. There is space to add more columns and even one to view your Facebook status updates, but I think the best part is being able to make a double post to both Twitter and Facebook with the click of a button, so all your contacts in both Social Networks see what you have to say.
Getting back to my tips for Twitter, here is one you might already know, but if not, USE IT, because it works!!:
Every single time you make a new blog post, add a page to your website, post a new online casino/online poker/online sportsbook/online bingo review etc. TWEET ABOUT IT! You made the blog post for people to read right? So get it out there! Tweeting about it makes the page instantly available and therefore you start getting traffic to it right away!
Another important Twitter Tip is to communicate with your followers and the people that follow you! I make an effort every day to go to each of my new followers Tweets to see what they are all about. I will admit that I do not follow EVERYONE, but this is simply because I choose to follow the tweets that are relevant to what type of information I want to get. There would be no use in my following Barbie and her plastic adventures because she would not give me information I need. So, follow people who are tweeting about what you want to hear about.
Also, once someone follows me, I go to their tweet and send them a direct message saying THANK YOU! Be courteous, say thank you and do yourself a favour, include a link to your blog, website, or anything else you want that person to look at. It's just another way of getting more traffic to the page you have chosen.
That's all I have time for on this subject for now, but check back soon because I have some really cool and informative posts on the way!
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