This month, April 2009, saw the Gambling-Affiliation team in Paris for the annual Ad:Tech Paris event with the following people representing the company:
- Antoine Szczot - CEO
- Maxime Lesoeur - French Affiliate/Country Manager
- Julien Sammut - French Affiliate/Country Manager
This was not the only reason for their presence at the Ad:Tech conference, they were also there to build brand exposure for Gambling-Affiliation on both the affiliate side as well as the new campaign side of things. On a whole, the feedback from our 3 French Representatives was that the show was an extremely successful one and the rest of the team here in Malta are looking forward to some of the exciting things on the way which have as a direct result of our attendance to the show.
This was the first time that Gambling-Affiliation have ever attended a conference that is not directed exclusivly to the Online Gaming Industry, but it will not be the last either.
CEO, Antoine Szczot had this to say about the event: "Besides promoting the services offered by Gambling-Affiliation, the conference was a great help in creating an awareness to the participants on the advantages we offer to both Affiliates as well as the many iGaming out there".
Keep reading the Gambling-Affiliation blog and register as an affiliate today to make sure you always know which conferences and shows we are going to be attending so you can book your meeting with any one of the MANY repsrasentatives we have.
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